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Sportmassage Scheveningen




“Ik begrijp jou als sporter”

Steeds vaker gaan we grotere sportieve uitdagingen aan. Welke uitdaging je ook aangaat, je wilt daarbij zo fit mogelijk van start gaan.

Als sporttherapeut en masseur draag ik graag bij aan jouw prestatie en herstel. Massagetherapie geeft ontspanning en geeft verlichting bij stress.

Wanneer helpt een sportmassage?
en kan het ook wanneer je geen sporter bent?

Steeds vaker gaan we grotere sportieve uitdagingen aan. Welke uitdaging je ook aangaat, je wilt daarbij zo fit mogelijk van start gaan. Ook bij klachten, zoals een stijve nek of schouders, kan een sportmassage direct verlichting bieden.

Manuele Lymfedrainage een nieuwe skill

De techniek die je herstelperiode met 25% versnelt


Maak kennis met de nieuwe techniek om jou te helpen bij je stress gerelateerde klachten, (sport) blessures & gewrichtsklachten. Manuele lymfedrainage (MLD) is een zachte en subtiele massagetechniek die het lymfestelsel activeert. De effecten zijn overweldigend. In deze blog leg ik je alles uit over hoe deze techniek jouw lymfestelsel activeert en welke positieve gevolgen dit heeft voor je lichaam. Daarnaast neem ik je mee in mijn eigen kennismaking en ervaring met MLD.

Tijd voor tips en advies

Nieuw bij Sportmassage Scheveningen

Sportmassage Scheveningen en PT Scheveningen werken samen om mensen te helpen in een sneller herstel van blessures, het verbeteren van sportprestaties en het verhogen van energie.

Kijk bij onze events voor onze webinars.

Wat anderen over mij zeggen:


Based on 25 reviews
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Nathalia Bastiaan
22:01 12 Nov 24
This was a great experience! I have been seeing a physiotherapist for some time, but with 1 treatment at sports massage Scheveningen I was finally relieved from a lot of back pain and neck pain. Scar treatment also helped me tremendously! She is very kind and sociable and likes to do things right. Thanks to beautybank I came here and will definitely come back again.
jilan wang
06:20 03 Nov 23
Hein Hasselman
15:18 10 Oct 23
Glad that Lianne came my way. Competent, interested, involved and with golden hands!
Ulrike Grafberger
14:13 10 May 22
Lianne is fantastic! She is not only a very good masseuse, but also puts herself in people's shoes and thinks for themselves. You can feel that she doesn't just "treat" her patients, but that she really wants to help them. My back pain has improved significantly since the treatments with her and I am pain-free most of the time. Absolutely recommended!
Tim Baas
22:14 13 Nov 21
Lianne is great. She makes athletes happy with her good sports massages. She is happy to give you tips to keep your body fit. I started the marathon relaxed and with flexible legs!
Sanne van Gennep
10:49 10 Nov 21
I am very happy that I could immediately go to Sportmassage Scheveningen for treatment. After a lot of trouble and pain in my back, I asked Lianne for help. I'm glad I made that choice. In short, professional, friendly and helpful. Highly recommended!
Robin Gieling
20:22 09 Nov 21
Very knowledgeable, good clear communication and looks at the body as a whole. Due to tension and an accident a while ago, my back and neck were constantly “stuck” and with the help of Lianne I have been able to pick up sports better and better and I am now slowly getting fitter and I suffer less from painful and tense muscles.
Jim Baeten
16:16 29 Jan 21
Skilled, Neat and Hygienic.
Loretta Lyons
12:39 28 Jun 20
Lianne is so brilliant at what she does. Her massages are amazing but more than that she gave me additional exercises to support my recovery and suggested appropriate sports that would be manageable while I was recovering to help to keep me active too. She would often ask about how different injuries were doing, check in with how I was coping emotionally, and keeps a detailed log of areas that have been worked on, how they responded and a plan of how to move forward. By far the most dedicated Sports Masseuse I have ever had, highly recommend.
Stephen Roderick
17:20 23 Aug 19
Lianne is a wonderful sports therapist, and is very focussed on making sure that the client gets what they need. She is diligent in determining what the problems are, and works hard to get the client back to their athletic goals. Highly recommended!
Christian Ludwig
12:45 15 Mar 19
I have had the support of Lianne with both back pains and exercise related injuries and can highly recommend the both professional and effective treatment and guidance she provides. The combination of the sports-massage, tape and subsequent stretching exercises I was recommended have removed my problems and with a lasting effect.
Johan Spamer
12:49 29 May 18
Lianne is a very client-focused therapist that will take interest in your injury and/or need for treatment in very professional manner. After a sound assessment she treated me in a well-structured way to get me ready for two marathons, which I successfully completed, within 3 weeks apart. She frequently contacted me to get feedback and check-up on my progress. I will strongly recommend her practice, particularly if you need sport massages and/or taping before and after sport events. Thank you Lianne!
Ekaterina Tetyukhina
12:31 10 Feb 18
A very professional and dedicated therapist! I came to Lianne with a neck problem and she approached it very professionally, assessed the origin of the pain, tailored the course for me, selected taping method and it worked! I feel much less stiff and relieved.
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